
Journal D

A day of my celebration is my birthday. My birthday is December 30th.In other words, my birthday is at the end of a year. Therefor the people usually clean the whole of their house when it is this time, so everybody is busy very much. That’s why I celebrate my birthday with my family in our house every year. My family tells me that Happy Birthday first thing in the morning every year. Also, my friends send me E-mails that Happy Birthday at the same time as a date changes. I feel very happy then. I still leave E-mails carefully. On my birthday, first, my family cleans the whole of our house for the New Year. At the same time, my grandmother makes round rice cake offered to the gods at New Year’s. Next, we offer it which my grandmother made before a Buddhist altar. Finally, my mother and I do shopping for New Year holidays and we buy my birthday cake together. We eat dinner after all of them finished and we eat my birthday cake. I feel that a cake which I eat after having done my best is delicious very much!! However, I sometimes feel that I don’t want to eat a cake. That’s because, my birthday is approximately one week later of Christmas. Therefor I ate a lot of Christmas cake one week ago. I am very busy on my birthday every year, but it is very substantial day. I like my birthday to celebrate with my family. However, to tell the truth, I want to have my birthday party with my friends! I want to eat a birthday cake, play games and talk with my friends in my birthday party.

Journal C

First, my favorite place is my house to eat. That’s because, I like to eat my mother’s and my grandmother’s homemade dishes rather than to eat out. Also, I can be relaxed when I eat a meal in my house. My mother is good at making an omelet containing fried rice, so my favorite food is it. It is very delicious. In particular, a soft boiled egg on the chicken pilaf is delicious. When I ask my mother to make it, my mother always makes it. When I ate it, I always felt happiness. I really like it which my mother makes. Also, I like a dumpling which my grandmother makes. A bean jam which my grandmother makes is especially unrivaled article. My grandmother usually makes it at the time of New Year holidays and Bon festival. I help my grandmother make it every time. However, I can’t make it well like my grandmother. That’s why I want to become able to make it better. Next, my favorite restaurant is J café and my favorite menu is a fried chicken bowl and chocolate parfait. I like a fried chicken. A fried chicken of J café is slightly spicy, but it is very delicious. Also, I like sweets very much! There is J café in Shimo Street. When I went out to Shimo Street to have fun with my friends, we often go to J café. However, I can’t frequently go to J café, because a price is high. I want to go there more if I become able to earn more money. Finally, my favorite convenience store is Seven Eleven. I usually buy sweets there. My recommendation sweet of Seven Eleven is a pudding. When I felt that I am tired, I usually buy it. After I ate it, I can feel that I got over my fatigue. Please buy it!!